Monday, February 21, 2011

hello day 29

happy day 29 to me! as of day 28 i am down 6lbs, 8lbs from my heaviest. that feels AMAZING! of course i wish it were more, but it feels good regardless.

saturday we went out for our nephew, Landon's 6th birthday. we went out to eat at o'charleys & laser tagged & bowled. o'charleys has a really large menu- with a lot of pictures of steak, french fries, desserts, etc... so that made it a little overwhelming to make good decisions. i was really craving a burger & fries to be honest... but instead i chose a turkey burger with lots of LTO & sweet potato fries. it was soo good & i. and i didn't miss the greesy burgy & fries AT ALL. so i was proud of that..

on day 29 i am really dreading work. i would rather do anything else. BUT i only have a 4 day work week this week & i just need to stay focused. Joe & I are going to TN this weekend & i could not be more excited. it is our 3 year anniversary, so we are just going to get away for a few days.

also on day 29 i feel extremely overwhelmed with blessings. take a moment to be thankful for your life. be thankful for the good in your life, as well as the things that aren't exactly the way you want them... diversity is a good thing. strive to be a better you today. today i will only say good things about people... today i will only say good things about myself.

have a happy monday!

Monday, February 14, 2011

day 22

happy day 22, happy monday, happy valentines day.
i really love valentines day. but then again, i love most holidays. i just love the cheesy-ness of it all. big obnoxious stuffed animals, balloons, flowers, heart shaped everything. single or taken. it's fun.
yesterday Joe & i made a deal: we will compete with this whole 'get fit & healthy' thing. we weighed ourselves yesterday & will weigh again in 2 weeks. we made a deal on 5lbs, but i'm going for more. he's going down!!!
we went shopping yesterday at sams club & our local ingles. the main thing i'm focusing on right now is the labels. including: cals, fat g's, sodium, sugar, proteins, but more importantly, ingredients. if it has ingredients that i can't pronounce, have no idea what they are, or a long list.... no thanks. moving on to another brand or just forgetting it all together.
i'm learning to think highly of my body & to only put good things in it.
we have had an AWESOME weekend. for once, we didn't have ANY plans. we just did whatever & it was such a nice change from our normal 'every second planned of every day' weekends.
happy monday/v-day everyone! enjoy this beautiful day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

hey snow, bye snow.

today is a beautiful thursday. i woke up to a dusting of snow this morning, and am watching as the shining sun melts it all away.

i talked to my mom for a good while this morning. i always enjoy our talks, she really is my best friend. we talked about plans for their house, plans for ours & some wedding plans thrown in the mix as well. we are in search of a location. outdoors preferably. i have a vision for our wedding but i don't really know where to begin. the only thing we've decided is our photographer. it's a little overwhelming, but we'll make it work. exactly 7 months & i will be a wife.

on day 18 i'm noticing a difference in my legs & booty area. that makes me excited.

also wanted to share my new favorite eggs (you make as much or as little as needed):
sautee onions (i use purple) in a little olive oil with whatever seasoning you like (i use a little garlic salt & course ground pepper) over medium heat. then once they get broken down some i add balsamic vinegar to the pan ( i LOVE balsamic so i add quite a bit). let it simmer a little & thicken up, then add egg whites to the pan & scramble it all up together. then once on my plate, i cut little cherry tomatoes in half and just put them all over the top. so good! ENJOY!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

happy saturday

i met Seaton Bruce Trotter today. he is such a precious bundle. does not feel real that he is actually here now. The Trotters are one amazing couple- completely deserving of all the good things coming to their life. they have been such wonderful friends to us, could not imagine our lives without them. what a blessing to be surrounded by such good people!
(Congrats Mommy-Krystal, Daddy-Jamie, Grandparents-Debbie, Bruce, Nita&Dennis & THE REST OF THE GANG!! We love you all so very much!!)

on day 13 i am feeling very motivated... i have lost 3lbs this week. it feels amazing. however, i still have A LOT of work to do. beyond ready for monday to get back at it.
i hope everyone has a great remainding weekend...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

day 11

today is day 11 of 'new' me.
it's been an interesting 11 days, just to see how my body is already changing. my body no longer craves any gross stuff. by day 2 i was craving to run late at night, instead of a snack.
i've had to coach myself into doing this for myself & my future husband, though. not for the way other people see me. before my 'new', all i thought about was how fat people saw me, and what i put ON my body to make me look thinner, and how did this happen? where did the time go?... on day 11 all i think about is what's going IN my body, trying to see myself the way God sees me & trying to get to the best version of myself going into my marriage.
most days are really easy, because i've always been an athletic person. i get up at 7:30, have a yogurt & get to the park at 8 to jog, sprint & walk the trail 3 times (3.6 mi), but there have been like 2 days where i did not have motivation. but i'm human. i'm trying to produce a habit. it helps to have a support system though.

also with day 11 i am craving creativity. we recently purchased our first home (per God) & i now have a room for creativity (my office). when i think about that room downstairs a million ideas & images go through my head & it is really overwhelming. there are so many things i want to do. 2 things i know for sure: small, simple home studio & an actual 'office area'. oh, i also see turquoise, crisp white & with a vintage feel. that's all i got.

i am open to encouragement, opinions, & advice.