Monday, February 21, 2011

hello day 29

happy day 29 to me! as of day 28 i am down 6lbs, 8lbs from my heaviest. that feels AMAZING! of course i wish it were more, but it feels good regardless.

saturday we went out for our nephew, Landon's 6th birthday. we went out to eat at o'charleys & laser tagged & bowled. o'charleys has a really large menu- with a lot of pictures of steak, french fries, desserts, etc... so that made it a little overwhelming to make good decisions. i was really craving a burger & fries to be honest... but instead i chose a turkey burger with lots of LTO & sweet potato fries. it was soo good & i. and i didn't miss the greesy burgy & fries AT ALL. so i was proud of that..

on day 29 i am really dreading work. i would rather do anything else. BUT i only have a 4 day work week this week & i just need to stay focused. Joe & I are going to TN this weekend & i could not be more excited. it is our 3 year anniversary, so we are just going to get away for a few days.

also on day 29 i feel extremely overwhelmed with blessings. take a moment to be thankful for your life. be thankful for the good in your life, as well as the things that aren't exactly the way you want them... diversity is a good thing. strive to be a better you today. today i will only say good things about people... today i will only say good things about myself.

have a happy monday!

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