Saturday, February 5, 2011

happy saturday

i met Seaton Bruce Trotter today. he is such a precious bundle. does not feel real that he is actually here now. The Trotters are one amazing couple- completely deserving of all the good things coming to their life. they have been such wonderful friends to us, could not imagine our lives without them. what a blessing to be surrounded by such good people!
(Congrats Mommy-Krystal, Daddy-Jamie, Grandparents-Debbie, Bruce, Nita&Dennis & THE REST OF THE GANG!! We love you all so very much!!)

on day 13 i am feeling very motivated... i have lost 3lbs this week. it feels amazing. however, i still have A LOT of work to do. beyond ready for monday to get back at it.
i hope everyone has a great remainding weekend...

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