Thursday, February 3, 2011

day 11

today is day 11 of 'new' me.
it's been an interesting 11 days, just to see how my body is already changing. my body no longer craves any gross stuff. by day 2 i was craving to run late at night, instead of a snack.
i've had to coach myself into doing this for myself & my future husband, though. not for the way other people see me. before my 'new', all i thought about was how fat people saw me, and what i put ON my body to make me look thinner, and how did this happen? where did the time go?... on day 11 all i think about is what's going IN my body, trying to see myself the way God sees me & trying to get to the best version of myself going into my marriage.
most days are really easy, because i've always been an athletic person. i get up at 7:30, have a yogurt & get to the park at 8 to jog, sprint & walk the trail 3 times (3.6 mi), but there have been like 2 days where i did not have motivation. but i'm human. i'm trying to produce a habit. it helps to have a support system though.

also with day 11 i am craving creativity. we recently purchased our first home (per God) & i now have a room for creativity (my office). when i think about that room downstairs a million ideas & images go through my head & it is really overwhelming. there are so many things i want to do. 2 things i know for sure: small, simple home studio & an actual 'office area'. oh, i also see turquoise, crisp white & with a vintage feel. that's all i got.

i am open to encouragement, opinions, & advice.


  1. I am so proud of you Atlanta! Your motivation makes me want to as well! Its just so hard and I am not an athletic person, but I am so happy you are getting that much closer to the new you!!

  2. Heather, i wil be your motivation if you will let me... it can only do good in your life to be healthier. love you girl, thanks for your support!

  3. You go girl! We all need to refine and strive to improve. You are a beautiful woman, Atlanta.
