Monday, February 14, 2011

day 22

happy day 22, happy monday, happy valentines day.
i really love valentines day. but then again, i love most holidays. i just love the cheesy-ness of it all. big obnoxious stuffed animals, balloons, flowers, heart shaped everything. single or taken. it's fun.
yesterday Joe & i made a deal: we will compete with this whole 'get fit & healthy' thing. we weighed ourselves yesterday & will weigh again in 2 weeks. we made a deal on 5lbs, but i'm going for more. he's going down!!!
we went shopping yesterday at sams club & our local ingles. the main thing i'm focusing on right now is the labels. including: cals, fat g's, sodium, sugar, proteins, but more importantly, ingredients. if it has ingredients that i can't pronounce, have no idea what they are, or a long list.... no thanks. moving on to another brand or just forgetting it all together.
i'm learning to think highly of my body & to only put good things in it.
we have had an AWESOME weekend. for once, we didn't have ANY plans. we just did whatever & it was such a nice change from our normal 'every second planned of every day' weekends.
happy monday/v-day everyone! enjoy this beautiful day!

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